USB Drive Corrupted? Let's just fix it!

Oct 19, 2022 windows usb-drive corrupted

Recently, I was trying to boot ubuntu to an old system. And while I was making my bootable USB drive, somehow my USB drive got corrupted. I tried to format it, but it was not working. I tried to fix it using chkdsk, but it was not working either.

So I thought, why not just fix it using diskpart? So here is how I did it.


  1. Open cmd as administrator.
  2. Type diskpart and press enter.
  3. Type list disk and press enter.
  4. Type select disk <disk_number> and press enter. (Replace <disk_number> with the disk number of your USB drive)
  5. Type clean and press enter.
  6. Type create partition primary and press enter.
  7. Type select partition 1 and press enter.
  8. Type format fs=fat32 and press enter.
  9. It’ll take a while to format the drive. So just wait for it. And do not interrupt the process.


That’s it. Now you can use your USB drive as you want. I hope this post helped you. If you have any questions, feel free to reach out. I’ll try to answer them as soon as possible. If you find any mistakes in the post, please create an issue or raise pull request with the fix.

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